Friday, September 4, 2009

I Am Poem

I am secure and young
I wonder about the next generations
I hear laughter
I see a house, a car, and a family
I want to be a rigistered nurse
I am secure and young

I pretend to smile
I feel happy next to my son
I touch my future
I worry about my future ahead
I cry when people are hurt
I am secure and young

I understand the caring of moms
I say keep trying
I dream to be a registered nurse
I try being a role model
I hope for change in future
I am secure and young

Report Cards-Setting Goals

  1. One of my goal's for this academic term is to make credits by coming to school every day and on time.
  2. My second goal is to make credits at home by doing independent work at home and finish before the grading period ends.
  3. My personal goal is to finish school around the next year and go to college.